The Northern Panhandle Conservation District believes that it's primary purpose is to be of service to landowners. It tries to make as many services as possible available to cooperators. The following is a list. which the District and our conservation partners have to offer:
1. Farm Planning with Aerial Photo 2. Soils Information 3. Contour Strip Layout 4. Technical Advice on Conservation Tillage and No-Till 5. Home Site Soils Information 6. Pasture and Hayland Management 7. Soil Survey Report of Each County in the District 8. Design and Layout of Spring Developments, Waterway Diversions, Tile Drainage, Erosion Control Practices, Windbreaks, Ponds,Stream Bank Stabilization, Animal Waste Facilities and Nutrient Management Plans 9. No-till Seeder 10. Spring Boxes 11. Back-Pack Sprayer 12. Three-Point Hitch Fimco Sprayer 13. Four Wet/Dry Lime and Fertilizer2/Ton Spreaders 14. 8 foot Aerway Aerator 15. Review of Sediment Erosion Plans 16. Stream Monitoring Training 17. Topo Maps of District for Sale
Thanks to generous appropriations from the U.S. Congress and the West Virginia Legislature, Conservation Districts throughout West Virginia offer a variety of cost-share programs to assist farmers in the improvement of land, the enhancement of water and soil quality and the improvement of forage productivity. These programs complement existing United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs and are designed to help farmers reach the goals of their conservation plans. If you live in Brooke, Hancock, Marshall or Ohio County and would like more information, contact the Northern Panhandle Conservation District at (304) 238-1231.