AgEP Best Management Practices
The following is a short description of the Best Management Practices (BMP). Not all of the practices are offered in each district. Please refer to your District's Ag Enhancement Page page to see the practices offered in your area.
Bale Grazing
The bale grazing practice will incentivize producers to consider an alternative to traditional winter-feeding practices. Bale Grazing is a method of setting winter feed (typically round bales) out ahead of winter feeding, when the soil is dry or frozen, and controlling the portions of feed the livestock have access to on a bi-weekly or more frequent basis, similar to strip grazing stockpiled forages in the fall. Livestock access is controlled through the use of temporary fencing (polywire, high tensile wire, step in posts, t-posts, etc). [↑]
Cover Crop
Crops including grasses, legumes and forbs for seasonal cover and other conservation purposes.
The purposes include reducing erosion from wind and water, increasing soil organic matter content, capturing and recycling or redistributing nutrients in the soil profile, promoting biological nitrogen fixation, increasing biodiversity and enhance habitat for pollinators, weed suppression, providing supplemental forage, soil moisture management, reducing particulate emissions into the atmosphere and minimizing and reducing soil compaction. [↑]
Critical Area Planting
Establishing permanent vegetation on sites that have, or are expected to have, high erosion rates, and on sites that have physical, chemical or biological conditions that prevent the establishment of vegetation with normal practices. [↑]
Deer Exclusion Fence
Exclusion Fence
This practice is applied to facilitate the application of conservation practices by providing a means to control movement of animals and people. The purposes include reducing erosion and improve water quality by controlling livestock access to streams, springs, wetlands and ponds, protect newly planted areas from disturbance until established and protecting sensitive environmental areas and their flora from vehicular, pedestrian or animal traffic and use. [↑]
EXIGENT- Cover Crop
Establishing cover crops to prevent soil erosion during or following moderate drought. [↑]
EXIGENT- High Tunnel and Greenhouse Repair
Repairing damaged high tunnel and greenhouse structures following a declared exigency to restore the structure to previous safe and functional condition. [↑]
EXIGENT- Irrigation Water Supply
Supplying water to agricultural products that require irrigation during a water shortage or other water crisis which resulted from a declared water limiting exigency. [↑]
EXIGENT- Livestok Water Supply
Supplying water to livestock during a water shortage or other water crisis which resulted from a declared water limiting exigency. [↑]
EXIGENT- Revegetation
Establishing vegetative cover on winter feeding areas following a declared exigency related to abnormally muddy conditions. [↑]
EXIGENT- Temporary Fence
1. Installing temporary fencing materials to limit livestock access to an area for the protection of natural resources when an existing fence has become damaged or inoperable because of a declared exigency.
2. Installing temporary fencing materials to protect soil, water, land, or natural resources from livestock damage when a declared exigency has occurred, and temporary fence is required. [↑]
Forage Seeding
Establishing adapted and/or compatible species, varieties, or cultivars of herbaceous species suitable for pasture, hay, or biomass production. The purposes include improving or maintaining livestock nutrition and/or health, providing or increasing forage supply during periods of low forage production, reducing soil erosion, improving soil and water quality and producing feedstock for biofuel or energy production. [↑]
Frost Seeding
Establishing legume species within existing stands of grasses. The purposes include establishment of legume species within grassland areas in order to increase forage quality and quantity, to provide for alternative forms of nitrogen fertilizer for cool season grasses, providing a less expensive option compared to conventional and no-till methods and providing a legume species within a grass dominated stand to provide habitat for wildlife and forage for pollinators. [↑]
Heavy Use Protection Area
The stabilization of areas frequently and intensively used by people, animals or vehicles by establishing vegetative cover, by surfacing with suitable materials, and/or by installing needed structures. The purposes include reduction of soil erosion, improving water quantity and quality, improving air quality, improving aesthetics and improving livestock health. [↑]
Invasive Species Management
The management or removal of woody (non-herbaceous or succulent) plants including those that are invasive and noxious. The purposes include creating the desired plant community consistent with the ecological site, restoring or releasing desired vegetative cover to protect soils, control erosion, reduce sediment, improve water quality or enhance stream flow, maintaining, modifying or enhancing fish and wildlife habitat, improving forage accessibility, quality and quantity for livestock and wildlife and managing fuel loads to achieve desired conditions. [↑]
The application of agricultural limestone is used to increase the soil pH (reduce soil acidity). When soils are very acid (pH less than 5.5 to 5.8) soil bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legumes are adversely affected and soil biological activity is reduced. Also, at low pH the solubility of aluminum and manganese increases. These minerals are toxic to plants and aluminum ties up phosphorus and makes it less available to plants.
Established grasses allow society to benefit from an available supply of food and fiber, clean air and water. Other benefits include habitat for wildlife aquatic systems and healthier riparian areas. More positive aspects are reduction of soil erosion from wind and water contributing to flooding. [↑]
Micro Irrigation
An irrigation system for frequent application of small quantities of water on or below the soil surface: as drops, tiny streams or miniature spray through emitters or applicators placed along a water delivery line. Micro irrigation systems may be utilized in high tunnels to efficiently and uniformly provide moisture for plant growth. [↑]
Nutrient Management (Commercial Fertilizer)
Fertilizers provide one or more of the elements needed for plant growth and development. Applying fertilizer correctly can increase plant yields. Fertilizer assists in plant growth therefore protecting the soil with the plants foliage from the elements and reducing erosion by covering the bare soil from the rain. Through AgEP fertilizer must be applied according to soil test recommendations. [↑]
Pasture Division Fence
This practice is applied to facilitate the application of conservation practices by providing a means to control movement of animals and people. The purposes include improving distribution and timing of livestock grazing, facilitate handling, movement and feeding of livestock in a pasture environment and protect newly planted areas from disturbance until established. [↑]
Pollinator Plantings
Planting of select seed mixtures to create or enhance pollinator habitat. Pollinators depend on the plants’ nectar (sugar and water) and pollen (protein) as their primary food source. Established pollinator plantings provide food and habitat for pollinators to help them thrive, increases production per acre in farming situations and in the wild, biodiversity increases and wildlife food sources increase. [↑]
Pond Clean Out
Removal of sediment build-up within agricultural-use ponds. This helps provide clean water source for livestock. The program encourages ponds be fenced after clean-out. [↑]
Precision Agriculture
Precision agriculture is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops. The goal of precision agriculture planning is whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while preserving resources. [↑]
Roof Runoff Management
Structures that collect, control, and transport precipitation from roofs.
The purposes include improving water quality, reducing soil erosion, increasing infiltration, protecting structures, and/or increase water quantity. [↑]
Urban Agriculture
This group of practices range from raised bed kits to rain barrels. The purposes include increasing food production and encouraging locally-grown foods, soil and watershed protection by soil erosion reduction and increased stormwater management. [↑]
Warm Season Annual Seeding
The purpose of the warm season annual seeding practice is to supply forages during a time of year when there would not typically be enough forage. The use of warm season annuals also gives cool season hay and pasture much needed time to rest so that it can produce again in the fall. The establishment of warm season annual seeding should occur on land that has been regularly fed on/sacrifice areas, pasture that needs maintenance, to control unwanted plant species, in preparation for pasture renovation, and/or to increase grazing potential on a farm that is predominantly cool season forages. [↑]
Watering System
Watering facility is a device (tank, trough, or other watertight container) to provide watering for livestock at selected locations. The purposes include protect and enhance vegetative cover through proper distribution of grazing, Provide erosion control through better grassland management or protect streams, ponds, and water supplies from contamination by providing alternative access to water. [↑]
Winter Grazing
Managing grazing land to "stockpile" forages for later term grass sustainability and improved forage health resulting in higher quality forage for livestock. Eliminating a minimum of one hay cutting reduces fuel and labor. Water quality is improved since manure is evenly distributed throughout the pasture as livestock graze, and nutrient loading at hay feeding sties, if needed, is reduced. The purposes include soil erosion reduction, water quality protection, reduction of fossil fuel requirements, and reduction of farm input cost. [↑]